PRESS REVIEW: “Degrowth: A Vocabulary for a New Era”

Last Updated on 10/01/2017

  1. Book reviews
  2. Our articles in the Press
  3. Interviews
  4. Articles in the Press
  5. Videos

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1) Book reviews, both in academic journals and in the press

Leslie Sklair (2016) Book review. The British Journal of Sociology 67(1): 168-170.

Ekaterina Chertkovskaya (2016) The post-growth economy needs a degrowth vocabulary! Ephemera: Theory and Politics in Organization.

Brototi Roy (2016) Book review. Antipode

Panos Petridis (2016) Book review. International Development Planning Review 38 (3): 339-345.

Jaime Cimenti (23/12/2017) O debate pós-crescimento. Jornal do Comércio.

Bernard Marszalek (2016) Degrowth and its Discontents. Ztangi Press. Available at:

Daniel Hernández Baldó (13/09/2016) El imperfecto manual sobre cómo vivir bien con menos. Fuego Amigo.

Von Felix Ekardt (17/07/2016) Weltretter wider das Wachstum. Süddeutsche Zeitung.

Bernd Hüttner (19/06/2016) Durchwachsen – das neue Degrowth-Lexikon. Who owns the world.

Walter Lotens (07/04/2016) Ontgroei: een vocabulaire voor een nieuw tijdperk. De Wereld Morgen Be. Available at:

Jonas Weyrosta (09/03/2016) Eine Bibel für die Kritiker des Wachstums

Hans Beerends (2016) Ontgroei als antwoord op economische groei. Ravage Webzine.

Vinod Vyasulu (2016) Degrowth: A Vocabulary for a New Era, edited by Giacomo D’Alisa, Federico Demaria and Giorgos Kallis, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, New York and London, 2015. The International Journal on Green Growth and Development.

Nandan Nawn (05/12/2015) Downscaling of Economic System. Economic and Political Weekly Vol – L No. 49. Available at:

Marc Belpois (16/11/2015) Décroissance. Telerama.,134263.php

Ladislav Hohoš (12/10/2015) NONRAST ako nová politická ekonómia. Nova Slovo (Slovakia). Available at: The author is a Slovak neo-Marxist philosopher and futurologist.

Sudhirendar Sharma (29/06/2015) Will everyone get a Ferrari one day?. Anthem EnviroExperts Review. Available at:

Carlos Fresneda (03/05/2015) ¿Decrecemos? El Mundo

Mark Hand (13/04/2015) Turning an Elephant into a Snail: Degrowthers Challenge Supremacy of Economic Growth. Counter Punch

Brian Davey (14/01/2015) Brian Davey responds to Giorgos Kallis on degrowth

Brian Davey (18/12/2014). Review of the book “Degrowth: A Vocabulary for a New Era: Review”. Feasta

Giorgos Kallis (18/12/2014) Response by Giorgos Kallis to Brian Davey’s review of Degrowth

Justin Hyatt (22/09/2014) Only the Crazy and Economists Believe Growth is Endless. Inter Press Service.

2) Articles in the Press by editors and authors


Demaria, Federico (2017) When Degrowth enters the parliament. The Ecologist

Demaria, Federico (20/07/2015) ¿Una prosperidad sin crecimiento? ¡Sí, se puede!. La Vanguardia.

탈성장 대안

(The Degrowth Alternative, GTI by Giorgos Kallis into Korean)

Kallis, Giorgos (20/06/2015) Barcelona en Comú y la innovación social. Huffington Post

Federrico Demaria (15/05/2015) “Their recession is not our degrowth!” New Internationalist.

Giacomo D’Alisa, Giorgos Kallis and Federico Demaria. Degrowth: A language for a new economic era. Adbusters 119.

Giorgos Kallis and Research & Degrowth (13/03/2015) Kein Wachstum – und doch gut leben. De Standard (Austria)

Giorgos Kallis and Research & Degrowth (17/02/2015). Dix propositions pour prospérer sans croissance. Libération

Giorgos Kallis (February 2015) How can we create a successful economy without continuous economic growth? Living simply, together. Center for Humans and Nature—giorgos-kallis-response-37.php

Giorgos Kallis (February 2015) The Degrowth Alternative. The Great Transition.

Federico Demaria (18/01/2015) El decrecimiento: una salida al estancamiento sistémico. Huffington Post (Spain)

Giorgos Kallis and Research & Degrowth (07/01/2015) Yes, we can prosper without growth.

NB This article has received a lot of attention and will be translated into many languages. It has also received the endorsement of naomi Klein who reposted in her blog and wrote on Twitter and Facebook “Excellent de-growth policy ideas from @g_kallis and @R_Degrowth: Draws on recent book:

Giorgos Kallis (15/01/2015) Podemos party’s plan to ‘stimulate consumption’ needs more ambition. The Guardian.

Giorgos Kallis (28/12/2014) La estrategia económica de Podemos va en la buena dirección pero puede, y debe, ir más allá. Sin Permiso

Giorgos Kallis and Research & Degrowth (14/12/2014) Si podemos decrecer.

Giorgos Kallis and Research & Degrowth (04/12/2014) Malentendiendo el significado de decrecimiento.

Giorgos Kallis (01/12/2014) Por un nuevo sentido común decrecentista.

Giorgos Kallis (27/11/2014) AirBnb: alquilar no es compartir. Diagonal

Giorgos Kallis (24/10/2014) AirBnb is a rental economy, not a sharing economy. The Press Project


Fabrice Flipo (09/12/2015) COP21: l’urgence de la décroissance

Iago Otero (11/02/2015) Visca el decreixement! Diari Ara (Catalan)

NB Iago Otero is a co-author of the entry Back-to-the-landers

David Bollier (12/12/2014) Degrowth, the Book.

Silke Helfrich (08/12/2014) The Commons at the Core of Degrowth. Commons Blog

3) Interviews to editors and authors about the book

(07/11/2015) Fabrice Flipo interviewed about degrowth vocabulary at France Culture (French radio channel)

Carlos Fresneda (18/07/2015) El ABC del Decrecimiento. El Mundo (Interview to Giacomo D’Alisa).

Alex King (10/07/2015) How embracing degrowth could help Europe recover from economic and political crisis Huck Magazine (Interview to Federico Demaria)

Julia Manresa (02/05/2015) Santi Vila flirteja amb la teoria del decreixement. Ara

Federico Demaria talks about the book at National Flemish TV (VRT)

Federico Demaria interviewed by Flemmish newspaper (Belgium) about degrowth vocabulary

Federico Demaria interviewed by Dirk Holemans of in preparation for the conference Ecopolis. Video Transcript:

Federico Demaria in Spanish National Television: Televisión Española, TVE2; Program: Para Todos la 2 Youtube:

Giorgos Kallis: 1) How we understand degrowth; 2) Responses to common criticism to degrowth

5) Articles about Degrowth

Christiane Kliemann (23/01/2015) Let’s face it: we have to choose between our economy and our future. The Guardian

Mark Buchanan (05/10/2014) Economists Are Blind to the Limits of Growth. Bloomberg

Sam Bliss (26/09/2014) DIY soap meets big economic ideas at Degrowth 2014. Grist

Paul Krugman (18/09/2014) Errors and Emissions. Could Fighting Global Warming Be Cheap and Free? The New York Times.

Christiane Kliemann (01/08/2014) Can companies do better by doing less? The Guardia

6) Videos

Degrowth Vocabulary mentioned in the Catalan Parliament by Santi Vila, Environment Minister (December 2014)

Sam Bliss (09/02/2015) Watch our juicy explainer about the environment’s growing economics problem. Grist
